28 points about INFJ – Portrait and Description

28 Points Concerning the INFJ Personality Type
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  1. INFJs have to find some way to sort out their feelings from the feelings of others – if not in writing or art, then in an expression of religious faith, or the effort to help others to express themselves.
  2. Because INFJs are so alert to the unsaid, they may find it difficult to sort out their own emotions from the mood and feelings they discern in others.
  3. INFJs are exquisitely sensitive to nuance and suggestion – all the ways we unwittingly express how we feel, who we are, what we believe about ourselves and others.
  4. Young INFJs, in particular, are sometimes labeled hyper-sensitive or melodramatic, because their self-experience is tied to others emotional boundaries.
  5. INFJs wrestle all their lives with the conflict they perceive maintaining harmonious relationships and expressing emotional truth, and it is a central issue in the books, novels, plays, and psychological articles that INFJs write.
  6. INFJs are also capable of turning their inner experience into trenchant social commentary – by finding their truest voice and using it.
  7. Their personal approach and ability to find common ground with others combines with their intuitive need for innovation and alternative views.
  8. Like INTJs, INFJs have a tendency to use their secondary function for protection – for example, to distance themselves from a relationship that demands too much of them emotionally.
  9. Optimally, they bring their emotional insights into the community as art, or they use them to help others come to terms with conflict in their own lives.
  10. The INFJs sense of physical well-being is very much allied with their relationships and emotional investments.
  11. INFJs frequently express themselves indirectly, depending on unstated implications to carry their meaning, and they can be put off by too direct a reference to something that is of great value to them.
  12. Types who do this can become a potent focal point for others’ unexpressed fears and yearnings.
  13. They often have a gift for verbal imagery and they are sometimes capable of raising to consciousness something that others can only dimly sense.
  14. They are particularly sensitive to others’ feelings of exclusion, and they may address or try to rectify inequities of status or opportunity within the context of their profession.
  15. However, if their inner life is not balanced with reality, they may feel so different from others that they become self-conscious and defensive.
  16. INFJs require a sense of meaning in the work they do.
  17. Their primary relationship is to their inner world, and they are receptive to others only up to a point.
  18. It should be recognized that INFJs and more like INTJs than they initially appear.
  19. Unlike INTJs however, their sense of the unexpressed is oriented by emotional awareness.
  20. They may be drawn to dysfunctional people, romanticizing their ability to see something in them that others cannot see.
  21. Their 1 percent representation in the population belies the tremendous influence these types have in shaping cultural ideas about identity and being true to oneself.
  22. When they are able to use their Extroverted Feeling function well, they bring their vision back into the public domain; they find a way to integrate it into the fabric of the community.
  23. These types often find that their sympathy and perceptive listening have been mistaken for an overture of friendship, which they didn’t intend.
  24. Because INFJs use Fe to relate to the outer would, they may seem more outgoing than they really are.
  25. They are not interested in the precision of language, as INTJs are, but in its rich possibilities for metaphor and multiple layers of meaning.
  26. Their intuition takes them into psychological areas that other types are likely to keep at bay.
  27. People appreciate their ability to listen and to consider group feelings and values.
  28. They are entirely capable of meeting the expected surface demands of a situation, all the while nursing secret criticisms of a partner or a friend.